2019 · coffee talk

coffee talk: back at uni, back at the gym and back on track?

Hey guys! So I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and start a coffee talk series! In this series I’ll be talking about my day to day life, from uni to gymming to working in a restaurant and balancing it all with a social life and everything in between. So grab a coffee (or your preferred drink) and let’s talk!

Monday marked my first day back at uni and officially back to reality (someone take me back to London please!!) My timetable this semester has me scheduled in for about 15 hours of classes a week. Some days my classes fall together very nicely, other days we have stupid 3 hour long breaks between classes lol. But I’ve decided that this semester I’m gonna be such a try hard with uni and I mean I’m gonna be sweating it out in the library like… everyday.

I’m gonna be treating uni like it’s a 9-5 and then some. It sounds like an awful lot of work and by god it is. The modules I have this semester are: Mathematical Biology, Fundamentals of Scientific Computing, Differential Geometry and Complex Analysis. (don’t these sound super fun, yay !!!) So basically, my 9-5 mindset is that I spend the usual 9-5 working hours in uni – this includes going to classes but mostly library in non-contact hours. Since it’s the start of the semester I’ve not really got any work to do atm so I’ve spent my time working on applying to internships and improving my CV. I’ve also incorporated going to the gym in this time since I’ve not got much uni work to do!

I think this 9-5 mindset will be SO good for me when we start getting hit with all the work and assignments, so I thought I may as well get used to it now! It’s also made me sleeping pattern soooo much better. I’ve always been a night person and I got into the habit of not sleeping till 5am over the Christmas break so this is a really nice and productive change for me. 10/10 would recommend.

Back at the gym. It’s been about 2 months since I’ve last been to the gym and I feel so unfit and out of shape it’s sooo sad. I’m trying to go 3 times a week where I split my days into push day, leg/booty day and a pull day. I’m gonna try and progressively up this to 5 times a week where I add in two extra leg days. That must sound so bad for my leg muscles but I split my leg days into the following three areas so I’m not overworking my muscles and giving them the rest they need: calves/booty, quads, hamstring/booty.

Also abs will be incorporated at the end of my workouts (some not all). For abs I normally do a 5-minute ab blast where I set a timer, decide on 4 different ab exercises beforehand, start my timer and consecutively perform 10 reps of the 4 different ab exercises till the 5 minutes are up. It’s a killer. No breaks. Hello abs. I plan to up the time every so often, maybe an extra 30 seconds every week or something?

My fitness goal is to grow a god damn boootaayyy (and some nice wee abs) and I could write a whole post on my workout routine and all that stuff if anyone is interested – just let me know in the comments!

Throwback to eat out in Portugal

Saving money has been so key to me since coming back from London (because I’m super broke after it lol). So in an attempt to save money I’ve made packed lunches a couple of times for Euan and I to eat in uni! One day I made a wholemeal penne salad with pan-fried salmon, and another day a mushroom fajita kit with my own homemade avocado houmous. Admittedly, my houmous mostly tasted like lemon, but overall I think both those meals turned out really tasty if I do say so myself!

Work-wise, I work in a wee restaurant normally 3 days a week (15 hours minimum normally). Thankfully my work is super flexible and I can work more or less hours if I want. I am restricting my work days to Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays as these days don’t conflict so much with my uni timetable. Also gives me Friday nights off and some time to myself during the day on the weekends which is ideal. It is SO SO important to give yourself an adequate amount of time to yourself – especially when you’re as busy as I am. Unfortunately, my restaurant is going to be closed for the next 3 weeks coming as the owners are away on holiday which really sucks for me cause no income (sad react) but it is also a great opportunity to devote myself to uni! (exciting amn’t I!)

Btw guys I’m absolutely obsessed with the chilly’s waterbottles!! (Peep my baby pink one) I really recommend getting one, they’re made of stainless steel, completely reusable, keeps your drinks super coldand never ever leak. I couldn’t think of a more ideal bottle and I’m literally obsessed with mine! I’m all about cutting down my use of plastic and doing my part for the planet so if you haven’t got one already go out and get one! Lets save the planet, look cute and also save money along the way!!

Blog-wise, I’ve not been very good at keeping to my planned Monday and Friday posting idea. I think it’s just because I’ve been incredibly busy with uni starting back and then working at night and trying to maintain a social life as well as seeing Euan – it’s a hectic life. I’ve been exactly one day late with my Monday/Friday postings which isn’t too bad to be fair considering I’m still quite new to it all! I’m planning on getting my posting schedule a lot more organised over the time my work is closed by preparing my posts in advance.

So that pretty much sums up my boring week being back to reality. I need to work on getting more and better photos for my posts cause I’m really out here with a lack of photos for this post. Eye shadow used in last pic was the Anastasia Modern Renaissance palette and a cute wee Clinique lippy for that shineee.

If you guys want me to write about tips for university/studying or about workout routines or even packed lunch ideas please let me know in the comments below! I was thinking about writing a post about what motivates me and the importance of hard work if that’s something you guys would dig? If you enjoy the coffee talks give this a cheeky wee like and you can also give me a cheeky wee follow if you haven’t already hehe. And thank you for reading!! xx

6 thoughts on “coffee talk: back at uni, back at the gym and back on track?

  1. I used to hate having 3 hour gaps in the middle of lectures but it did force me to actually do work instead of procrastinating! I would advise bringing packed lunches with you as often you can eat these in the library and it also means that you do not waste time or money buying food. I normally make sandwiches for the next 3 days so I always have some ready to take.
    I would love to read a post about your workout routines. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I’m the same! Forces me to do work but still quite annoying hahah and yeah thats what I’m trying to do more of now! I think it works out well cause my boyfriend and I make lunches for each other and take it in turns 😋 3 days in advance is so handy!! I think I might get round to a workout post soon 💕 thank you for reading gal xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this post so much and I am so looking forward to other posts in your coffee chats series. It is so nice to hear all of your updates and your images (especially you!!) are stunning. Chillys bottles are beyond gorg and I am desperate to get my hands on one! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg thank you so much gal, youre too kind and thank you so much for always supporting me and my posts! 💖 im super excited to write more coffee talks and definitely get your hands on a chillys bottle – best investment ive made!! Urban outfitters stocks some, thats where i got mine xx


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